Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bumiputera Economic Congress - May 29 2010.

This part of the speech is of interest to me. So I am keeping it in my blog for reference. Your comments please.

Academician Kamaruddin Kacher, who chaired the panel, told the panel speakers not to shy to tear down the NEM because the congress was about defending the " natural rights of the Malays'
This is our country pioneered by our ancestors 2000 yeara ago, why should we be afraid ? The
Sultans are our protectors. The Malay Regiment is for the Malays !

Ramlah Adam (History Professor) picked apart the policy which they argued neglected to consider the Special rightrs of the Malays and Bumiputera.

Ramlah took a more historic route, slamming the proposed economic model as breaking the promises made in the agreement signed before Merdeka.

She claimed: These are attempts to question the special economic rights guaranteered to the Malays. She said that the special rights of the Malays guaranteered is return for granting citizenship to the non-malays.

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