Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cakap cakap from prominent politicians

Dr M famous reponse was that he lacked evidence to persecute: "If you show us the proof, we will surely take action."
" I don`t want the Malays to ask too many questions about the wealth of their fellow
"Why don`t we ask how the non-malays acquired their wealth?"

Under differeent government, under different circumstances, people are expressing
the same basic aspirations-
A voice in their government.
An end to corruption,
Freedom from violence and fear.
The chance to live in dignity.
To make the most of their God-given talents.
These goals are not easily achieved but they are worth working for together.

But some leaders are putting more fear in the people. This is Malaysian politics

Some politicians can be called modern day pirates.

We have a government in power for 55 years but fail in its effort to eradicate poverty among all Malaysians

Instead they make use of the NEP to enrich tnemselves.
-too many scandles
-55 years of authority using ISA and other laws to muzzle the oppositions.
-too many disastrous economic decisions
-hap-hazad educational programmes, confusing the students and parents while
the rich and powerful go international schools and oversea boarding schools.
-460 billion debts
-many Malays look Chinese: Chinese look Malay: indians look Malay due inter-marriages
and produce beautiful offsprings but UMNO still place the racial card to divide the races.
-participate and celebrate each other`s festivities and eat meals with each other
-different varieties of cusine have become uuiquely Malaysians.
-fabricated statistics to bluff the people
-culture of protecting the culprites and punish the whistle blowers.
-encourageing religious tnesions to divide the people.
-always find fault with the opposition and jeolousy is always in their mind.